Ps 41 new york
Out of 2, ranked schools in New York, Ps 41 Greenwich Village is ranked 2,rd for total students on lunch assistance. The percentage of Ps 41 Greenwich Village students on free and reduced lunch assistance 3. This may indicate that the area has a lower level of poverty than the state average. Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. Public elementary school and private elementary school data obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics in the United States.
The data displayed is from the most current sources available. For public schools this is the school year. Assistant Principal Karen Cardinali Grades : kcardinali schools.
Principal Jennifer Logan: jlogan7 schools. Skip to Navigation Skip to Main Content. Academic Updates Pupil Path will consistently show updates regarding student performance. Upcoming Events Nov 2. Nov 4. Test scores. Test scores at this school are far above the state average, suggesting that most students at this school are performing at or above grade level.
Even high-performing schools can have disparities between student groups. To understand how well this school serves all its students, review the information below in the Equity section. Understand what on-track learning looks like for your child and how you can help at home.
Equity overview. Underserved students at this school are performing better than other students in the state, though this school may still have achievement gaps. Does this school offer opportunity for all its students, or leave some behind? Successful schools understand how to close the achievement gap. These 5 tips to start a conversation at your school about helping all students succeed. Low-income students.
School Quality The DOE develops tools to help families and educators understand student achievement and school quality. The data captures the schools learning environment and student performance. Snapshots from the and school years are available in the links below. School Quality Snapshot - K School Quality Guide - K-8 Quality Review Report The Quality Review Report is the result of a two-day visit by an experienced educator, who has looked at how well this school supports student learning and teacher practice.
School Performance Dashboard - K