San diego ptsd therapist

Someone with PTSD will likely feel depressed, hopeless, or feel detached from life or others. They may avoid former interests or hobbies, their favorite places, feel empty, and have difficulty with relationships. They might avoid large crowds, social situations, or any place that resembles the triggering event. Feeling irritable, frightened, having insomnia, or difficulty concentrating is common with PTSD. If you have any of these symptoms or know someone who does, they may have PTSD.

Luckily, there are many treatment methods that can make life more manageable for those afflicted with this disorder. Facebook Twitter Youtube.

Schedule a consultation. History of PTSD. Symptoms of PTSD. By contrast, Dr. Moses is trained and certified in multiple treatment models for PTSD and related disorders and has years of experience working with individuals and families living with PTSD. Focus : CPT acknowledges that going through a trauma changes how you think about and view yourself, others, and the world.

This, in turn, changes how you feel emotionally and act. It involves education, awareness of the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing and what triggers them, building skills to challenge these thoughts and experience your emotions in a way that is more consistent with the present context, and examining different areas of your life that have been changed by the trauma and altered beliefs.

It does not involve an in-depth review of the details of the trauma but rather exploring how you are thinking about the trauma and its impact on you. Focus : PE acknowledges that individuals with PTSD avoid thoughts, feelings, and situations associated with the trauma. PE helps individuals to contact these avoided areas through a process of exposure. It involves education, breathing retraining to reduce physical distress, engaging in real-world situations that are being avoided, and openly revisiting the traumatic memory.

In a time of profound fear, discord and uncertainty, therapy can provide a path towards tranquility. Wendy has practiced psychotherapy for nearly two decades and creates a space that is inviting, warm and attentive to your specific challenges and desires.

In a time with so many formulaic treatments that target specific mental health conditions, the wholeness of the individual can be overlooked. Wendy appreciates your complexity and listens attentively to learn about your life experience and specific challenges. Your concerns are approached holistically and solutions are collaboratively developed.

Above all, she sees the therapeutic relationship as the key to helping you find the life you are seeking.


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