San jose court docket

If you are a Justice Partner who does not have access to our new Portal, please send an email to appsupport scscourt. Case documents filings, etc. For information on obtaining case documents in person or by mail , please click on the type of case, below:.

If you come into Court and have our staff do the search, you must provide the case number, case name, title of the document s requested, and file date of the document s. If you are unable to provide all of these items, there will a search fee.

Copies of the pleadings must be obtained at the courthouse in which the case was filed, either in person or by mailing a request with a self addressed stamped envelope to return the documents.

Click for courthouse locations and mailing addresses. Although not required, the Public Records Request form is available online to assist you in making a request. Requests for public records can also be submitted directly to the department which manages the record being sought. Public Records Act Coordinator information is available in the link provided.

Try to be as clear as possible when requesting records and put date limits on your request. Offer any search clues you can and if you are informed that the records you are requesting do not exist, discuss alternatives with the City staff to whom you are making the request. The City does not charge for the time and costs incurred in searching for, locating, or collecting records. However, the City may charge for the actual costs of duplicating paper records.

The current fee schedule is available online. San Jose is home to Santa Clara County's main jail. San Jose Main Jail is located at:. Inmates can receive visits everyday day of the week except Wednesdays.

Intending visitors must register and book a visit using the OVR. Visit appointments are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so intending visitors may book this as early as three days before the intended visit or at least one day beforehand. Visitation rules are posted at each facility's waiting space, while detailed information about visiting days and time schedules are available on the Sheriff's page on Santa Clara County website.

Inmates are given one minute visit each during the week and another minute visit on weekends. Two adults and a sizable number of children who can be effectively supervised by the adults may visit an inmate. At such times, each adult visitor gets a minute time slot with the inmate along with the children to accommodate both adult visitors.

Minors must be the biological children of the inmates or adult visitors. A parent or legal guardian must accompany a child at all times during the visit. Late arrivals at the county jail can lead to canceled appointments. All visitors must arrive 30 minutes before appointed visits to be properly registered, searched, and prepared for the visit. A missed or canceled visit counts as having had the visit. Visitors must successfully pass through the metal detector entry, including children.

Inmates may also be contacted by correspondence, sent strictly via U. The mail should be addressed thus:. The Clerk's office provides access to disclosable court records, including records on civil cases, some family cases, small claims, probate, administrative records, and traffic case records. The 6th Judicial District of California and the County seat of Santa Clara, San Jose is home to one federal court and four superior courts located at:. Federal Courts Robert F. Business Hours: a.

Not all San Jose City court records are open to the public. The state laws restrict public access to confidential materials or information that may violate a citizen's privacy rights. Some of these are:. Interested persons can obtain information such as case number, type of case, and filing date online through the Case Information Portal on the Superior Court website.

San Jose civil case records are available at the Santa Clara County Superior Court and can be obtained by mail, in person, or online. Requesting parties may search for civil case information online through the Case Information search tool. Users may query the search tool using party name, case number, case type, and filing date. For in-person requests at the Clerk's office, applicants must submit the case number, case name, title of the document s requested, and the filing date.

For mail-in requests, apply in writing stating the case number and other relevant information to aid the record search.

Include a check made payable to the Superior Court, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, and mail request to:. Payments can be made in cash, check, or credit card. Note: Copies of civil case pleadings are only available at the courthouse where the case was filed. Requests may be in-person or by mail. Interested persons can send requests for San Jose criminal court records in person or by mail, using the case number.

To find the case number for cases filed in and later, search the online criminal index database , using either the defendant's name and date of birth, or name and filing date. Apart from the criminal index, the courthouse also allows the public to search the microfiche for cases filed before , using the defendant's name, date of birth, and the year the case was filed. Include a certified check and copy of valid ID. Make the check payable to the Clerk of the Superior Court and mail request to:.

San Jose vital records are official documents containing information about life events that occurred in the city. These include birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, and divorce decrees. However, San Jose City has no jurisdiction to manage vital records, but these are retained and issued by the County of Santa Clara or the state-run repositories.

Interested requesters can obtain San Jose City vital records by requesting access from the custodian agencies. Individuals may request these records by mail, online, or in person. For in-person or mail requests, download and complete the family records request form.


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